4,000 yen
The average land market value price of JR Sekihoku Honsen Maruseppu Station (Hokkaidou Monbetsugun Engaruchou) is 4,000 yen / m².
The figure was calculated from the land price of 5 real estates in the area within 4,000m from Maruseppu Station.
The average land prices is 4,700 yen / m².
Land market value price changeLand market value price for the Residential and Commercial areasDetails of land pricesRelated information
"eki-chika.com" calculates land market value price of each railway station based on various data.Upon the use of the site, please agree to "Terms of Use."
Definitions of the data are referred to "About us."
Land market value price change in Maruseppu Station area from 2006 to 2007 is -14.89% (decrease).
Land market value price change converted to US dollar is -15.00%, which can be said that the price movement does not have international investment value.
Land market value price change compared to 2003 is -14.89% (decrease), which indicates that the land price has been on downward trend in mid term.(Equivalent of -15.00 (decrease) in US dollars)
Land market value price change compared to 1998 is -18.37% (decrease), which indicates that the land price has been on downward trend in long term.(Equivalent of -8.11 (decrease) in US dollars)
Land market value price in the residential area around Maruseppu Station is 4,800 yen / m².
Land market value price in the commercial area around Maruseppu Station is 6,400 yen / m².
From Maruseppu station | price | |
89m | 5,300 yen / m² | Survey year:2006 |
104m | 5,600 yen / m² | Survey year:2005 |
161m | 4,000 yen / m² | Survey year:2007 |
410m | 4,700 yen / m² | Survey year:2005 |
604m | 2,700 yen / m² | Survey year:2005 |
JR Sekihoku Honsen Setose Station | 4,200 yen / m² |
JR Sekihoku Honsen Shimoshirataki Station | - |
JR Sekihoku Honsen Kyuu Shirataki Station | - |
JR Sekihoku Honsen Engaru Station | 10,800 yen / m² |
JR Sekihoku Honsen Yasukuni Station | 3,000 yen / m² |
JR Sekihoku Honsen Ikuno Station | 3,700 yen / m² |
JR Sekihoku Honsen Shirataki Station | 3,200 yen / m² |
JR Sekihoku Honsen Ikutahara Station | 3,700 yen / m² |
JR Sekihoku Honsen Kamishirataki Station | 2,300 yen / m² |
JR Sekihoku Honsen Kimu Hana Station | 5,500 yen / m² |
Kounanshougakkoumae Station | 129,000 yen / m² |
Nakanoshima Station | 129,000 yen / m² |
西28丁目 Station | 124,000 yen / m² |
Horohirabashi Station | 119,500 yen / m² |
Nakajima Kouen Station | 119,000 yen / m² |
Higashikuyakushomae Station | 112,000 yen / m² |
Gakuenmae Station | 110,000 yen / m² |
Nakajimakouendoori Station | 103,750 yen / m² |
Tsukisamuchuuou Station | 102,500 yen / m² |
Maruyamakouen Station | 101,450 yen / m² |
Akabira Station | 3,900 yen / m² |
Kitayoshihara Station | 6,050 yen / m² |
Hagino Station | 6,700 yen / m² |
Shintotsukawa Station | 8,050 yen / m² |
Takigawa Station | 8,100 yen / m² |
Motowanishi Station | 10,800 yen / m² |
Muroran Station | 13,200 yen / m² |
Bokoi Station | 13,450 yen / m² |
Nayoro Station | 13,500 yen / m² |
Onzaki Station | 13,900 yen / m² |
Makomanai Station | +18.1% |
Hassamu Station | +16.23% |
Inaho Station | +14.33% |
Kounanshougakkoumae Station | +7.5% |
Nakanoshima Station | +7.5% |
Teine Station | +7.39% |
Ainosatokyouikudai Station | +5.59% |
Taihei Station | +5.35% |
Heiwa Station | +3.98% |
Taima Station | +3.49% |
Higashihonganjimae Station | -73.47% |
西11丁目 Station | -65.01% |
西15丁目 Station | -61.59% |
Susuki No Station | -59.77% |
西18丁目 Station | -53.33% |
Souen Station | -51.9% |
Wanishi Station | -39.79% |
Kikyou Station | -39.01% |
西線9条旭山公園通 Station | -38.59% |
西線6条 Station | -37.98% |
Yuurakuchou Station | 12,200,000 yen / m² |
Toukyou Station | 12,000,000 yen / m² |
Kyoubashi Station | 10,365,000 yen / m² |
Nihonbashi Station | 6,990,000 yen / m² |
Hacchoubori Station | 6,600,000 yen / m² |
Sakuradamon Station | 3,155,000 yen / m² |
Kouji Machi Station | 2,810,000 yen / m² |
Hanzoumon Station | 2,745,000 yen / m² |
Takebashi Station | 2,700,000 yen / m² |
Kudanshita Station | 2,700,000 yen / m² |
Akabira Station | 3,900 yen / m² |
Kitayoshihara Station | 6,050 yen / m² |
Hagino Station | 6,700 yen / m² |
Shintotsukawa Station | 8,050 yen / m² |
Takigawa Station | 8,100 yen / m² |
Nakata Station | 8,850 yen / m² |
Mokuzou Station | 8,850 yen / m² |
Kawabe Station | 9,300 yen / m² |
Fujisaki Station | 9,300 yen / m² |
Motowanishi Station | 10,800 yen / m² |
Ooizumi Station | +142.74% |
Hacchoubori Station | +124.87% |
Jinbou Machi Station | +118.85% |
Hobara Station | +116.55% |
Kawasaki Station | +91.72% |
Akihabara Station | +88.46% |
Kudanshita Station | +87.5% |
Takashima Machi Station | +86.73% |
Bakuro Machi Station | +82.88% |
Shinokachimachi Station | +71.61% |
Higashihonganjimae Station | -73.47% |
Nagoya Station | -65.43% |
西11丁目 Station | -65.01% |
西15丁目 Station | -61.59% |
Chiyokenchouguchi Station | -60.43% |
Susuki No Station | -59.77% |
Okayama Station | -57.54% |
Atagobashi Station | -54.91% |
西18丁目 Station | -53.33% |
Kohashi Station | -52.11% |