The average land market value prices in Tottorishi Tottoriken

30,215 yen

There are 13 railway stations in Tottorishi Tottoriken. all stations among them have land market value price data.

The average land market value price of railway stations in Tottorishi is 30,215 yen / m². The stations which are valued high among them are Tottori Station (65,800 yen / m²), Tottoridaigakumae Station (48,750 yen / m²), Kozan Station (46,550 yen / m²).
The average land market value price of railway stations in Tottorishi has been increasing by +18.56%. The land price in Tottorishi has been on a upward trend

Fukube Station(17,000 yen / m²)Tottori Station(65,800 yen / m²)Kozan Station(46,550 yen / m²)Tottoridaigakumae Station(48,750 yen / m²)Suetsune Station(20,200 yen / m²)Hougi Station(38,550 yen / m²)Hamamura Station(38,550 yen / m²)Aoya Station(16,200 yen / m²)Tsunoi Station(45,300 yen / m²)Kunifusa Station(18,500 yen / m²)Takagari Station(14,050 yen / m²)Mochigase Station(11,400 yen / m²)Inabayashiro Station(11,950 yen / m²)