Real estate appraisal report of Iwatsuki, Iwatsuki Ward, Saitama, Saitama Prefecture 339-0061, Japan

117,000 yen

As the result of the real estate appraisal carried out on Jul 01, 2015, the land value for real estate of Iwatsuki, Iwatsuki Ward, Saitama, Saitama Prefecture 339-0061, Japan was determined for 117,000 yen / m².


Real estate appraisal report (partly written in Japanese)

Researched at01 Jul, 2015
Lot number(Chiban)埼玉県さいたま市岩槻区岩槻区西町1丁目5998番6
Iwatsuki, Iwatsuki Ward, Saitama, Saitama Prefecture 339-0061, Japan
AccessIwatsuki , 400 M
Aspect ratio(1.0:2.0)
Presentstore, residence
Water, sewer and gas servicesWater, sewer and gas
The vicinity低層の店舗等が建ち並ぶ路線商業地域
Main roadsouth west 9.5m national road
The other roads 
Allocation of use zoningneighborhood commercial districts
Building‐to‐land ratio, Floor area ratio80(%),200(%)
Development areaurbanization area
Natural environment