Real estate appraisal report of Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan

202,000 yen

As the result of the real estate appraisal carried out on Jan 01, 2016, the land value for real estate of Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan was determined for 202,000 yen / m².


Real estate appraisal report (partly written in Japanese)

Researched at01 Jan, 2016
Lot number(Chiban)宮城県仙台市太白区長町南1丁目201番4
Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
AccessNagamachi Minami , 200 M
Aspect ratio台形(1.2:1.0)
Presentoffice, apartment-house
Water, sewer and gas servicesWater, sewer and gas
The vicinity区役所周辺に店舗、事務所等が混在する商業地域
Main roadwest 36.0m prefectural road
The other roads背面道
Allocation of use zoningneighborhood commercial districts, quasi-fire prevention districts
Building‐to‐land ratio, Floor area ratio80(%),300(%)
Development areaurbanization area
Natural environment