There are 6 stations on Chibatoshimonoreeru 1号線, and all stations have land market value price data.
The average of land market value price of Chibatoshimonoreeru 1号線 is 228,458 yen / m².
The average of Land market value price change of stations on Chibatoshimonoreeru 1号線 is -6.14%.
Chibaminato Station(214,000yen /m²)Shiyakushomae Station(214,000yen /m²)Chiba Station(225,500yen /m²)Sakae Machi Station(247,500yen /m²)Shikawakouen Station(281,000yen /m²)Kenchoumae Station(188,750yen /m²)
JR Keiyou LineJR Chuuou , Soubu LineKeisei Chiba LineJR Sotobou Line