39,760 yen
The avarage land market price of railway station area on Choushiden Tetsu (Choushidenkitetsudou) is 39,760 yen / m².
There are 10 stations on Choushiden Tetsu, and all stations have land market value price data.
The average of land market value price of Choushiden Tetsu is 39,760 yen / m². Higher stations are Kimigahama Station (46,450 yen / m²), Inubou Station (40,950 yen / m²) and Ashikajima Station (40,950 yen / m²).
The average of Land market value price change of stations on Choushiden Tetsu is -0.44% (decrease).
Choushi Station(36,500yen /m²)Nakanochou Station(36,500yen /m²)Kannon Station(35,850yen /m²)Motochoushi Station(40,100yen /m²)Kasagamikurohae Station(40,100yen /m²)Nishiashikajima Station(40,100yen /m²)Ashikajima Station(40,950yen /m²)Kimigahama Station(46,450yen /m²)Inubou Station(40,950yen /m²)Sotokawa Station(40,100yen /m²)