28,200 yen
As the result of the real estate appraisal carried out on Jan 01, 2010, the land value for real estate of Ienaka Station, Tsugamachi Ienaka, Tochigi, Tochigi Prefecture 328-0111, Japan was determined for 28,200 yen / m².
Researched at | 01 Jan, 2010 |
Lot number(Chiban) | 栃木県栃木市大字家中字諏訪越2158番2 |
Address | Ienaka Station, Tsugamachi Ienaka, Tochigi, Tochigi Prefecture 328-0111, Japan |
Price | 28,200yen/㎡ |
Access | Iejuu , 950 M |
Acreage | 263㎡ |
Aspect ratio | (1.0:2.0) |
Structure | 建物などの敷地、W(木造)1F |
Present | residence |
Water, sewer and gas services | Water, sewer and gas |
The vicinity | 中規模一般住宅が多い幹線道路背後の住宅地域 |
Main road | north 4.0m town road |
The other roads | |
Allocation of use zoning | category 1 residential districts |
Building‐to‐land ratio, Floor area ratio | 60(%),200(%) |
Development area | urbanization area |
Natural environment |
地形・地質 | 砂礫台地砂礫・岩質の土質でできた起伏の少ない地形のことである。土地開発は容易であり、造成地の地質は比較的強固である。 「国土交通省 地震に対する地盤の安全性 地形分類の評点」:3点(5点満点中) |
土地利用・植生 | 宅地,水田 |
黄砂エアロゾル | PM10の飛散は国内においては比較的少ない。PM2.5の飛散については特に少ないというわけでは無いため対策が必要。 |
緯度・軽度 | 東経 36度429738 北緯 139度747348 |
Ienaka Station, Tsugamachi Ienaka, Tochigi, Tochigi Prefecture 328-0111, JapanIenaka Station, Tsugamachi Ienaka, Tochigi, Tochigi Prefecture 328-0111, JapanIenaka Station, Tsugamachi Ienaka, Tochigi, Tochigi Prefecture 328-0111, JapanIenaka Station, Tsugamachi Ienaka, Tochigi, Tochigi Prefecture 328-0111, JapanTsugamachi Ienaka, Tochigi, Tochigi Prefecture 328-0111, JapanTsugamachi Ienaka, Tochigi, Tochigi Prefecture 328-0111, JapanTsugamachi Ienaka, Tochigi, Tochigi Prefecture 328-0111, JapanTsugamachi Ienaka, Tochigi, Tochigi Prefecture 328-0111, JapanTsugamachi Ienaka, Tochigi, Tochigi Prefecture 328-0111, Japan