36,960 yen
The avarage land market price of railway station area on Ooigawatetsudo U (Ooigawatetsudou) is 36,960 yen / m².
There are 19 stations on Ooigawatetsudo U, and 10 stations have land market value price data.
The average of land market value price of Ooigawatetsudo U is 36,960 yen / m². Higher stations are Shinkanaya Station (58,200 yen / m²), Itsuwa Station (48,100 yen / m²) and Higiri Station (48,100 yen / m²).
The average of Land market value price change of stations on Ooigawatetsudo U is -6.16% (decrease).
Kanaya Station(48,100yen /m²)Shinkanaya Station(58,200yen /m²)Daikanchoumachi Station(48,100yen /m²)Higiri Station(48,100yen /m²)Itsuwa Station(48,100yen /m²)Kamio StationFukuyou StationOowada Station(26,100yen /m²)Ieyama Station(26,100yen /m²)Nukuri Station(26,100yen /m²)Kawaneonsensasamado Station(26,100yen /m²)Chimei Station(14,600yen /m²)Shiogou StationShimoizumi StationTanokuchi StationSurugatokuyama StationAobe StationSakidaira StationSen Tou Station