42,650 yen
The avarage land market price of railway station area on Isetetsudo U (Isetetsudou) is 42,650 yen / m².
There are 10 stations on Isetetsudo U, and all stations have land market value price data.
The average of land market value price of Isetetsudo U is 42,650 yen / m². Higher stations are Tsu Station (59,000 yen / m²), Higashiishinden Station (54,950 yen / m²) and Kawarada Station (43,200 yen / m²).
The average of Land market value price change of stations on Isetetsudo U is -2.68% (decrease).
Kawarada Station(43,200yen /m²)Suzuka Station(41,200yen /m²)Tamagaki Station(42,100yen /m²)Suzukasaakittoinou Station(41,200yen /m²)Tokuda Station(35,300yen /m²)Nakaseko Station(35,200yen /m²)Iseueno Station(35,200yen /m²)Kawage Station(39,150yen /m²)Higashiishinden Station(54,950yen /m²)Tsu Station(59,000yen /m²)