244,545 yen
The avarage land market price of railway station area on Hankyu U (Hankyuudentetsu) is 244,545 yen / m².
There are 11 stations on Hankyu U, and all stations have land market value price data.
The average of land market value price of Hankyu U is 244,545 yen / m². Higher stations are Tenjinbashisuji Rokuchounome Station (598,000 yen / m²), Senriyama Station (234,000 yen / m²) and Yamada Station (229,000 yen / m²).
The average of Land market value price change of stations on Hankyu U is +0.34% (increase).
Kitasenri Station(163,000yen /m²)Yamada Station(229,000yen /m²)Minamisenri Station(224,500yen /m²)Senriyama Station(234,000yen /m²)Kandaimae Station(208,000yen /m²)Toyotsu Station(209,000yen /m²)Suita Station(204,000yen /m²)Shimoshinjou Station(201,000yen /m²)Awaji Station(202,500yen /m²)Kunijima Station(217,000yen /m²)Tenjinbashisuji Rokuchounome Station(598,000yen /m²)
Oosakamonoreeru LineHankyu UOosakashieichikatetsu Tanimachi LineOosakashieichikatetsu Sakaisuji
Suitashi OosakafuOosakashihigashiyodogawaku OosakafuOosakashikitaku Oosakafu