42,592 yen
The avarage land market price of railway station area on Sangitetsudo U (Sangitetsudou) is 42,592 yen / m².
There are 13 stations on Sangitetsudo U, and all stations have land market value price data.
The average of land market value price of Sangitetsudo U is 42,592 yen / m². Higher stations are Umamichi Station (56,400 yen / m²), Nishibessho Station (54,900 yen / m²) and Nishikuwana Station (54,900 yen / m²).
The average of Land market value price change of stations on Sangitetsudo U is -4.36% (decrease).
Nishikuwana Station(54,900yen /m²)Umamichi Station(56,400yen /m²)Nishibessho Station(54,900yen /m²)Hasuhanaji Station(47,700yen /m²)Ariyoshi Station(47,700yen /m²)Hoshikawa Station(41,900yen /m²)Nanawa Station(41,600yen /m²)Anou Station(39,800yen /m²)Touin Station(38,900yen /m²)Ooizumi Station(38,900yen /m²)Sohara Station(34,800yen /m²)Ouda Station(29,800yen /m²)Ageki Station(26,400yen /m²)