Tokimata station's land price (時又駅の地価)

28,800 yen

The average land market value price of JR Iida Line ( Tenryuukyou ~ Tatsuno ) Tokimata Station (Naganoken Iidashi) is 28,800 yen / m².

The figure was calculated from the land price of 7 real estates in the area within 4,000m from Tokimata Station.
The average land prices is 28,800 yen / m², the highest land price is 12,700 yen / m² and the lowest land price is 37,100 yen / m² in the area.

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Land market value price change in Tokimata Station area

Land market value price change in Tokimata Station area from 2016 to 2017 is -1.37% (decrease).
Land market value price change converted to US dollar is +81.21%, which can be said that the price movement has international investment value.

Land market value price change compared to 2013 is +55.68% (increase), which indicates that the land price has been on upward trend in mid term.(Equivalent of +14.89 (increase) in US dollars)

Land market value price change compared to 2008 is +9.09% (increase), which indicates that the land price has been on upward trend in long term.(Equivalent of +18.42 (increase) in US dollars)

Land market value price for the Residential and Commercial areas around Tokimata Station

Land market value price in the residential area around Tokimata Station is 29,500 yen / m².

Land market value price in the commercial area around Tokimata Station is 399,000 yen / m².

Details of land prices around Tokimata Station

From Tokimata stationprice
829m23,000 yen / m²

Survey year:2015
Address :700-243 Naganohara, Iida-shi, Nagano-ken 399-2562, Japan

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1,656m12,700 yen / m²

Survey year:2017
Address :860 Kawaji, Iida-shi, Nagano-ken 399-2431, Japan

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1,656m14,100 yen / m²

Survey year:2008
Address :860 Kawaji, Iida-shi, Nagano-ken 399-2431, Japan

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1,914m9,820 yen / m²

Survey year:2015
Address :Tatsue, Iida, Nagano Prefecture 399-2221, Japan

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3,661m12,600 yen / m²

Survey year:2015
Address :Matsuomyo, Iida, Nagano Prefecture 395-0823, Japan

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3,752m37,100 yen / m²

Survey year:2017
Address :Yawatamachi, Iida, Nagano Prefecture 395-0814, Japan

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3,932m28,800 yen / m²

Survey year:2017
Address :3668-2 Matsuomisajiro, Iida-shi, Nagano-ken 395-0826, Japan

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Information about other stations on JR Iida Line ( Tenryuukyou ~ Tatsuno )

Tenryuukyou Station12,700 yen / m²
Kawaji Station12,700 yen / m²
Dashina Station28,800 yen / m²
Kega Station33,500 yen / m²
Inayawata Station37,100 yen / m²
Shimoyamamura Station37,100 yen / m²
Kanae Station33,500 yen / m²
Kiriishi Station33,500 yen / m²
Iida Station33,500 yen / m²
Sakura Machi Station37,100 yen / m²
Inakamisato Station37,100 yen / m²
Motozenkouji Station29,300 yen / m²
Shimoichida Station25,500 yen / m²
Ichida Station21,900 yen / m²
Shimodaira Station21,900 yen / m²
Yamabuki Station21,900 yen / m²
Inaooshima Station20,300 yen / m²
Kamikatagiri Station20,300 yen / m²
Inatajima Station13,920 yen / m²
Takatoobara Station7,250 yen / m²
Nanakubo Station11,670 yen / m²
Inahongou Station11,670 yen / m²
Iijima Station14,300 yen / m²
Tagiri Station21,300 yen / m²
Inafukuoka Station29,150 yen / m²
Komachiya Station30,200 yen / m²
Komagane Station28,100 yen / m²
Ootagiri Station28,100 yen / m²
Miyata Station29,150 yen / m²
Akagi Station19,900 yen / m²
Sawawatari Station23,300 yen / m²
Shimojima Station32,600 yen / m²
Inashi Station31,600 yen / m²
Inakita Station28,800 yen / m²
Tahata Station28,800 yen / m²
Kitatono Station20,500 yen / m²
Kinoshita Station20,500 yen / m²
Inamatsushima Station27,400 yen / m²
Sawa Station27,400 yen / m²
Haba Station25,100 yen / m²
Inashinmachi Station25,100 yen / m²
Miyagi Station25,100 yen / m²
Tatsuno Station25,100 yen / m²