87,700 yen
The average land market value price of Toyohashitetsudo U Aichidaigakumae Station (Aichiken Toyohashishi) is 87,700 yen / m².
The figure was calculated from the land price of 25 real estates in the area within 2,000m from Aichidaigakumae Station.
The average land prices is 87,700 yen / m², the highest land price is 87,000 yen / m² and the lowest land price is 98,000 yen / m² in the area.
Land market value price changeLand market value price for the Residential and Commercial areasDetails of land pricesCheckpointsRelated information
"eki-chika.com" calculates land market value price of each railway station based on various data.Upon the use of the site, please agree to "Terms of Use."
Definitions of the data are referred to "About us."
Land market value price change in Aichidaigakumae Station area from 2016 to 2017 is -10.05% (decrease).
Land market value price change converted to US dollar is +6.12%, which can be said that the price movement has international investment value.
Land market value price change compared to 2013 is -11.86% (decrease), which indicates that the land price has been on downward trend in mid term.(Equivalent of -25.21 (decrease) in US dollars)
Land market value price change compared to 2008 is -8.65% (decrease), which indicates that the land price has been on downward trend in long term.(Equivalent of +11.22 (increase) in US dollars)
Land market value price in the residential area around Aichidaigakumae Station is 38,000 yen / m².
Land market value price in the commercial area around Aichidaigakumae Station is 81,250 yen / m².
From Aichidaigakumae station | price | |
255m | 102,000 yen / m² | Survey year:2015 |
366m | 98,000 yen / m² | Survey year:2017 |
729m | 103,000 yen / m² | Survey year:2016 |
729m | 103,000 yen / m² | Survey year:2015 |
789m | 92,500 yen / m² | Survey year:2015 |
915m | 105,000 yen / m² | Survey year:2016 |
915m | 106,000 yen / m² | Survey year:2015 |
963m | 98,000 yen / m² | Survey year:2015 |
998m | 102,000 yen / m² | Survey year:2015 |
1,095m | 106,000 yen / m² | Survey year:2016 |
1,095m | 70,000 yen / m² | Survey year:2016 |
1,203m | 83,500 yen / m² | Survey year:2012 |
1,203m | 83,500 yen / m² | Survey year:2016 |
1,222m | 65,000 yen / m² | Survey year:2012 |
1,404m | 112,000 yen / m² | Survey year:2015 |
1,460m | 87,000 yen / m² | Survey year:2017 |
1,491m | 129,000 yen / m² | Survey year:2015 |
1,725m | 88,500 yen / m² | Survey year:2015 |
1,735m | 87,700 yen / m² | Survey year:2017 |
1,756m | 93,000 yen / m² | Survey year:2016 |
1,878m | 92,500 yen / m² | Survey year:2012 |
1,890m | 92,000 yen / m² | Survey year:2016 |
1,892m | 129,000 yen / m² | Survey year:2016 |
1,949m | 106,000 yen / m² | Survey year:2016 |
1,957m | 103,000 yen / m² | Survey year:2016 |
It is recommended to choose date for site visits carefully because "Aichidaigaku" in the area influences the atmosphere of the town which could not be the same during semesters and during holiday time.
Shintoyohashi Station | 114,000 yen / m² |
Yagyuubashi Station | 109,000 yen / m² |
Koike Station | 104,000 yen / m² |
Minamisakae Station | 89,400 yen / m² |
Takashi Station | 89,400 yen / m² |
Ashihara Station | 87,700 yen / m² |
Ueda Station | 87,350 yen / m² |
Mukougaoka Station | 87,700 yen / m² |
Dai Shimizu Station | 71,600 yen / m² |
Oitsu Station | 55,500 yen / m² |
Sugiyama Station | 54,300 yen / m² |
Yagumadai Station | 68,700 yen / m² |
Toshima Station | 72,900 yen / m² |
Koube Station | 68,700 yen / m² |
Mikawatahara Station | 68,700 yen / m² |
Sakae Machi Station | 755,000 yen / m² |
Marunouchi Station | 687,500 yen / m² |
Takaoka Station | 534,000 yen / m² |
Shineichou Station | 490,000 yen / m² |
Toudai Shu Station | 470,000 yen / m² |
Kamimaezu Station | 461,000 yen / m² |
Kokusaisentaa Station | 461,000 yen / m² |
Yabamachi Station | 457,000 yen / m² |
Higashibetsuin Station | 413,500 yen / m² |
Tsurumai Station | 328,000 yen / m² |
Noma Station | 23,650 yen / m² |
Utsumi Station | 24,000 yen / m² |
Kouwa Station | 34,500 yen / m² |
Kouwaguchi Station | 38,000 yen / m² |
Futto Station | 48,000 yen / m² |
Moriage Station | 48,600 yen / m² |
Kamimarubuchi Station | 49,700 yen / m² |
Tamano Station | 49,850 yen / m² |
Rinkuutokoname Station | 51,500 yen / m² |
Chuubukokusaikuukou Station | 53,100 yen / m² |
Sakurai Station | +36.49% |
Chuubukokusaikuukou Station | +24.94% |
Fukuchi Station | +23.42% |
Kamaya Station | +23.07% |
Hagihara Station | +21.02% |
Nishikozakai Station | +20.83% |
Toudai Shu Station | +18.99% |
Nagoyadoomumaeyada Station | +18.82% |
Kodomonokuni Station | +17.43% |
Sunadabashi Station | +16.43% |
Nagoya Station | -65.43% |
Kokusaisentaa Station | -48.49% |
Nakamurakuyakusho Station | -27.63% |
Marunouchi Station | -26.55% |
Nagayama Station | -22.64% |
Nishiharu Station | -19.73% |
Yabamachi Station | -19.33% |
Kurozasa Station | -18.36% |
Tokushige , Nagoya Geidai Station | -18.1% |
Miyoshigaoka Station | -15.46% |
Yuurakuchou Station | 12,200,000 yen / m² |
Toukyou Station | 12,000,000 yen / m² |
Kyoubashi Station | 10,365,000 yen / m² |
Nihonbashi Station | 6,990,000 yen / m² |
Hacchoubori Station | 6,600,000 yen / m² |
Sakuradamon Station | 3,155,000 yen / m² |
Kouji Machi Station | 2,810,000 yen / m² |
Hanzoumon Station | 2,745,000 yen / m² |
Takebashi Station | 2,700,000 yen / m² |
Kudanshita Station | 2,700,000 yen / m² |
Akabira Station | 3,900 yen / m² |
Kitayoshihara Station | 6,050 yen / m² |
Hagino Station | 6,700 yen / m² |
Shintotsukawa Station | 8,050 yen / m² |
Takigawa Station | 8,100 yen / m² |
Nakata Station | 8,850 yen / m² |
Mokuzou Station | 8,850 yen / m² |
Kawabe Station | 9,300 yen / m² |
Fujisaki Station | 9,300 yen / m² |
Motowanishi Station | 10,800 yen / m² |
Ooizumi Station | +142.74% |
Hacchoubori Station | +124.87% |
Jinbou Machi Station | +118.85% |
Hobara Station | +116.55% |
Kawasaki Station | +91.72% |
Akihabara Station | +88.46% |
Kudanshita Station | +87.5% |
Takashima Machi Station | +86.73% |
Bakuro Machi Station | +82.88% |
Shinokachimachi Station | +71.61% |
Higashihonganjimae Station | -73.47% |
Nagoya Station | -65.43% |
西11丁目 Station | -65.01% |
西15丁目 Station | -61.59% |
Chiyokenchouguchi Station | -60.43% |
Susuki No Station | -59.77% |
Okayama Station | -57.54% |
Atagobashi Station | -54.91% |
西18丁目 Station | -53.33% |
Kohashi Station | -52.11% |