178,050 yen
There are 10 railway stations in Hinoshi Toukyouto. all stations among them have land market value price data.
The average land market value price of railway stations in Hinoshi is 178,050 yen / m². The stations which are valued high among them are Mogusaen Station (221,500 yen / m²), Hino Station (217,000 yen / m²), Koushuukaidou Station (212,000 yen / m²).
The average land market value price of railway stations in Hinoshi has been decreasing by -7.70%. The land price in Hinoshi has been on a downward trend
Hino Station(217,000 yen / m²)Toyoda Station(202,000 yen / m²)Mogusaen Station(221,500 yen / m²)Takahatafudou Station(130,000 yen / m²)Minamidaira Station(171,000 yen / m²)Hirayamajoushikouen Station(179,000 yen / m²)Tamadoubutsukouen Station(130,000 yen / m²)Hodokubo Station(130,000 yen / m²)Manganji Station(188,000 yen / m²)Koushuukaidou Station(212,000 yen / m²)