Aritoshi station's land price (有年駅の地価)

20,450 yen

The average land market value price of JR Sanyou Honsen ( Himeji ~ Okayama ) Aritoshi Station (Hyougoken Akoushi) is 20,450 yen / m².

The figure was calculated from the land price of 7 real estates in the area within 4,000m from Aritoshi Station.
The average land prices is 22,500 yen / m².

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Land market value price change in Aritoshi Station area

Land market value price change in Aritoshi Station area from 2016 to 2017 is -4.44% (decrease).
Land market value price change converted to US dollar is +5.88%, which can be said that the price movement has international investment value.

Land market value price change compared to 2013 is -13.71% (decrease), which indicates that the land price has been on downward trend in mid term.(Equivalent of -29.54 (decrease) in US dollars)

Land market value price change compared to 2008 is -14.79% (decrease), which indicates that the land price has been on downward trend in long term.(Equivalent of -3.41 (decrease) in US dollars)

Details of land prices around Aritoshi Station

From Aritoshi stationprice
659m18,300 yen / m²

Survey year:2012
Address :Japan, 〒678-1182 Hyōgo-ken, Akō-shi, Unehara, 1090 有年原田中遺跡

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3,058m20,800 yen / m²

Survey year:2012
Address :Wakasanochode, Aioi, Hyogo Prefecture 678-0082, Japan

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3,058m18,000 yen / m²

Survey year:2017
Address :Wakasanochode, Aioi, Hyogo Prefecture 678-0082, Japan

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3,837m22,900 yen / m²

Survey year:2017
Address :4 Chome-11-10 Takatadai, Kamigōri-chō, Akō-gun, Hyōgo-ken 678-1226, Japan

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3,974m24,200 yen / m²

Survey year:2012
Address :Takao, Ako, Hyogo Prefecture 678-0163, Japan

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3,974m26,500 yen / m²

Survey year:2004
Address :Takao, Ako, Hyogo Prefecture 678-0163, Japan

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3,974m22,500 yen / m²

Survey year:2015
Address :Takao, Ako, Hyogo Prefecture 678-0163, Japan

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Information about other stations on JR Sanyou Honsen ( Himeji ~ Okayama )

Himeji Station99,100 yen / m²
Agaho Station77,400 yen / m²
Aboshi Station57,300 yen / m²
Tatsuno Station56,000 yen / m²
Aioi Station54,000 yen / m²
Kamigoori Station22,900 yen / m²
San Seki Station13,200 yen / m²
Yoshinaga Station15,700 yen / m²
Waki Station20,300 yen / m²
Kumayama Station15,800 yen / m²
Mantomi Station13,700 yen / m²
Seto Station26,700 yen / m²
Joutou Station35,800 yen / m²
Higashiokayama Station56,100 yen / m²
Takashima Station66,500 yen / m²
Okayama Station48,400 yen / m²
Harimakatsuhara Station72,050 yen / m²
Nishikawahara Station91,700 yen / m²