Kumamotokousenmae station's land price (熊本高専前駅の地価)

41,750 yen

The average land market value price of Kumamotoden Tetsu Kumamotokousenmae Station (Kumamotoken Koushishi) is 41,750 yen / m².

The figure was calculated from the land price of 26 real estates in the area within 2,000m from Kumamotokousenmae Station.
The average land prices is 41,750 yen / m², the highest land price is 38,000 yen / m² and the lowest land price is 37,500 yen / m² in the area.

"eki-chika.com" calculates land market value price of each railway station based on various data.Upon the use of the site, please agree to "Terms of Use."
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Land market value price change in Kumamotokousenmae Station area

Land market value price change in Kumamotokousenmae Station area from 2016 to 2017 is -0.36% (decrease).
Land market value price change converted to US dollar is +1.84%, which can be said that the price movement has international investment value.

Land market value price change compared to 2013 is -10.22% (decrease), which indicates that the land price has been on downward trend in mid term.(Equivalent of -34.74 (decrease) in US dollars)

Land market value price change compared to 2008 is -17.00% (decrease), which indicates that the land price has been on downward trend in long term.(Equivalent of -12.44 (decrease) in US dollars)

Land market value price for the Residential and Commercial areas around Kumamotokousenmae Station

Land market value price in the residential area around Kumamotokousenmae Station is 8,500 yen / m².

Land market value price in the commercial area around Kumamotokousenmae Station is 108,000 yen / m².

Details of land prices around Kumamotokousenmae Station

From Kumamotokousenmae stationprice
806m35,600 yen / m²

Survey year:2015
Address :Japan, 〒861-1102 熊本県合志市須屋 二本松コーポ

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806m43,500 yen / m²

Survey year:2005
Address :Japan, 〒861-1102 熊本県合志市須屋 二本松コーポ

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1,381m33,000 yen / m²

Survey year:2005
Address :Miyoshi, Koshi, Kumamoto Prefecture 861-1104, Japan

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1,381m24,000 yen / m²

Survey year:2012
Address :Miyoshi, Koshi, Kumamoto Prefecture 861-1104, Japan

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1,381m23,000 yen / m²

Survey year:2015
Address :Miyoshi, Koshi, Kumamoto Prefecture 861-1104, Japan

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1,830m53,000 yen / m²

Survey year:2006
Address :Suya, Koshi, Kumamoto Prefecture 861-1102, Japan

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1,830m51,500 yen / m²

Survey year:2006
Address :Suya, Koshi, Kumamoto Prefecture 861-1102, Japan

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1,830m42,000 yen / m²

Survey year:2006
Address :Suya, Koshi, Kumamoto Prefecture 861-1102, Japan

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1,830m38,000 yen / m²

Survey year:2017
Address :Suya, Koshi, Kumamoto Prefecture 861-1102, Japan

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1,830m53,800 yen / m²

Survey year:2006
Address :Suya, Koshi, Kumamoto Prefecture 861-1102, Japan

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Apartments and detached houses for sale around Kumamotokousenmae Station

Average apartment sold price around Kumamotokousenmae Station was 150,000 yen / m².
The highest sold price of apartments was 300,000 yen / m², which is a 3LDK apartment built in 2007.
The lowest sold price if apartments was 40,000 yen / m², which is a 3DK apartment built in 1977.

Average house sold price around Kumamotokousenmae Station was 180,000 yen / m².
The highest sold price of house was 330,000 yen / m², which is a 4LDK apartment built in 2012.
The lowest sold price if house was 80,000 yen / m², which is a 3LDK apartment built in 1990.

Information about other stations on Kumamotoden Tetsu

Hijisakiguumae Station115,000 yen / m²
Kurokamichou Station78,000 yen / m²
Kitakumamoto Station62,300 yen / m²
Kamei Station53,100 yen / m²
Hakenomiya Station53,100 yen / m²
Horikawa Station49,100 yen / m²
Shinsuya Station49,100 yen / m²
Suya Station47,350 yen / m²
Mitsuishi Station45,500 yen / m²
Kuroishi Station45,500 yen / m²
Saishunsoumae Station41,750 yen / m²
Miyoshi Station47,300 yen / m²

Kumamotoden Tetsu

Hijisakiguumae Station115,000 yen / m²
Kurokamichou Station78,000 yen / m²
Kitakumamoto Station62,300 yen / m²
Kamei Station53,100 yen / m²
Hakenomiya Station53,100 yen / m²
Horikawa Station49,100 yen / m²
Shinsuya Station49,100 yen / m²
Suya Station47,350 yen / m²
Mitsuishi Station45,500 yen / m²
Kuroishi Station45,500 yen / m²
Kumamotokousenmae Station41,750 yen / m²
Miyoshi Station47,300 yen / m²

Market price in Kumamotoken (Descending)

Suizenji Station118,000 yen / m²
Hijisakiguumae Station115,000 yen / m²
Kumamoto Station101,000 yen / m²
Shinsuizenji Station98,700 yen / m²
Tasakibashi Station89,650 yen / m²
Shougyoukoukou Mae Station89,550 yen / m²
Kengunkoumae Station82,000 yen / m²
Doushokubutsueniriguchi Station82,000 yen / m²
Minamikumamoto Station79,900 yen / m²
Kurokamichou Station78,000 yen / m²

Market price in Kumamotoken (Ascending)

Oonoshimo Station12,500 yen / m²
Nagasu Station16,400 yen / m²
Sagarahanganjouji Station22,500 yen / m²
Hitoyoshi Station22,500 yen / m²
Minamiarao Station23,450 yen / m²
Ueki Station28,700 yen / m²
Arao Station29,500 yen / m²
Shinminamata Station34,200 yen / m²
Minamata Station34,200 yen / m²
Shinyatsushiro Station37,000 yen / m²

Change of market price in Kumamotoken (Descending)

Tasakibashi Station+15.08%
Arao Station+9.67%
Kumamoto Station+8.02%
Heisei Station+0.07%
Sagarahanganjouji Station0.0%
Hitoyoshi Station0.0%
Uto Station0.0%
Soujoudaigakumae Station-0.37%
Kuroishi Station-0.44%
Musashizuka Station-0.48%

Change of market price in Kumamotoken (Ascending)

Daniyamamachi Station-36.76%
Uchikoshi Station-32.74%
Kamikumamoto Station-30.5%
Ikeda Station-27.26%
Kurokamichou Station-26.42%
Minamikumamoto Station-23.9%
Shinsuizenji Station-14.91%
Hijisakiguumae Station-14.18%
Kankanzaka Station-13.29%
Kitakumamoto Station-12.93%

Market price in Japan (Descending)

Yuurakuchou Station12,200,000 yen / m²
Toukyou Station12,000,000 yen / m²
Kyoubashi Station10,365,000 yen / m²
Nihonbashi Station6,990,000 yen / m²
Hacchoubori Station6,600,000 yen / m²
Sakuradamon Station3,155,000 yen / m²
Kouji Machi Station2,810,000 yen / m²
Hanzoumon Station2,745,000 yen / m²
Takebashi Station2,700,000 yen / m²
Kudanshita Station2,700,000 yen / m²

Market price in Japan (Ascending)

Akabira Station3,900 yen / m²
Kitayoshihara Station6,050 yen / m²
Hagino Station6,700 yen / m²
Shintotsukawa Station8,050 yen / m²
Takigawa Station8,100 yen / m²
Nakata Station8,850 yen / m²
Mokuzou Station8,850 yen / m²
Kawabe Station9,300 yen / m²
Fujisaki Station9,300 yen / m²
Motowanishi Station10,800 yen / m²

Change of market price in Japan (Descending)

Ooizumi Station+142.74%
Hacchoubori Station+124.87%
Jinbou Machi Station+118.85%
Hobara Station+116.55%
Kawasaki Station+91.72%
Akihabara Station+88.46%
Kudanshita Station+87.5%
Takashima Machi Station+86.73%
Bakuro Machi Station+82.88%
Shinokachimachi Station+71.61%

Change of market price in Japan (Ascending)

Higashihonganjimae Station-73.47%
Nagoya Station-65.43%
西11丁目 Station-65.01%
西15丁目 Station-61.59%
Chiyokenchouguchi Station-60.43%
Susuki No Station-59.77%
Okayama Station-57.54%
Atagobashi Station-54.91%
西18丁目 Station-53.33%
Kohashi Station-52.11%